# Define SciTE settings for SQL and PL/SQL files. filter.sql=SQL (sql)|*.sql;*.vw;*.tab;*.seq;*.ugr;*.con;*.ind;*.rgr;*.tsp;*.pck;*.fnc;*.prc;*.trg;*pks;*.pkb| file.patterns.sql=*.sql;*.vw;*.tab;*.seq;*.ugr;*.con;*.ind;*.rgr;*.tsp file.patterns.plsql=*.spec;*.body;*.sps;*.spb;*.sf;*.sp;*.pck;*.fnc;*.prc;*.trg;*pks;*.pkb lexer.$(file.patterns.sql)=sql lexer.$(file.patterns.plsql)=sql word.chars.sql=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_#$ word.characters.$(file.patterns.sql)=$(word.chars.sql) word.characters.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(word.chars.sql) # SQL styles # White space style.sql.0=fore:#808080 # Comment style.sql.1=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # Line Comment style.sql.2=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # Doc comment style.sql.3=fore:#7F7F7F # Number style.sql.4=fore:#007F7F # Keyword style.sql.5=fore:#00007F,bold # Double quoted string style.sql.6=fore:#7F007F,$(font.monospace) # Single quoted string style.sql.7=fore:#7F007F,$(font.monospace) # SQL*Plus style.sql.8=$(colour.preproc) # SQL*Plus PROMPT style.sql.9=fore:#007F00,$(font.monospace),back:#E0FFE0,eolfilled # Operators style.sql.10=bold # Identifiers style.sql.11= # End of line where string is not closed / not used style.sql.12=fore:#000000,$(font.monospace),back:#E0C0E0,eolfilled # SQL*Plus Comment style.sql.13=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # not used # style.sql.14= # Hash Line Comment style.sql.15=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # Keywords2: Database objects style.sql.16=fore:#B00040 # Comment Doc Keyword style.sql.17=fore:#3060A0,$(font.code.comment.doc) # Comment Doc Keyword Error style.sql.18=fore:#804020,$(font.code.comment.doc) # Keywords5: User Keywords 1 style.sql.19=fore:#4B0082 # Keywords6: User Keywords 2 style.sql.20=fore:#B00040 # Keywords7: User Keywords 3 style.sql.21=fore:#8B0000 # Keywords8: User Keywords 4 style.sql.22=fore:#800080 # Braces are only matched in operator style braces.sql.style=10 # Enables backslash as an escape character #sql.backslash.escapes=1 #Keywords for SQL keywordclass.sql=\ a abort access accessed account activate add admin administer administrator \ advise advisor after algorithm alias all all_rows allocate allow alter \ always analyze ancillary and and_equal antijoin any append apply archive \ archivelog array as asc associate at attribute attributes audit authenticated \ authentication authid authorization auto autoallocate autoextend automatic \ availability \ backup become before begin behalf between bfile bigfile binary_double \ binary_double_infinity binary_double_nan binary_float binary_float_infinity \ binary_float_nan binding bitmap bits blob block block_range blocks blocksize \ body both bound broadcast buffer buffer_cache buffer_pool build bulk by \ bypass_recursive_check bypass_ujvc byte \ cache cache_cb cache_instances cache_temp_table call cancel cardinality cascade \ case cast category certificate cfile chained change char char_cs character check \ checkpoint child choose chunk civ_gb class clear clob clone close \ close_cached_open_cursors cluster clustering_factor coalesce coarse collect \ collections_get_refs column column_stats column_value columns comment commit \ committed compact compatibility compile complete composite_limit compress \ compute conforming connect connect_by_iscycle connect_by_isleaf connect_by_root \ connect_time consider consistent constraint constraints container content \ contents context continue controlfile convert corruption cost cpu_costing \ cpu_per_call cpu_per_session create create_stored_outlines cross cube cube_gb \ current current_date current_schema current_time current_timestamp current_user \ cursor cursor_sharing_exact cursor_specific_segment cycle \ dangling data database datafile datafiles dataobjno date date_mode day dba \ dba_recyclebin dbtimezone ddl deallocate debug dec decimal declare decrement \ default deferrable deferred defined definer degree delay delete demand dense_rank \ deref deref_no_rewrite desc detached determines dictionary dimension directory \ disable disassociate disconnect disk diskgroup disks dismount distinct \ distinguished distributed dml dml_update document domain_index_no_sort \ domain_index_sort double downgrade driving_site drop dump dynamic \ dynamic_sampling dynamic_sampling_est_cdn \ each element else empty enable encrypted encryption end enforce enforced entry \ error error_on_overlap_time escape estimate events except exceptions exchange \ excluding exclusive execute exempt exists expand_gset_to_union expire explain \ explosion export expr_corr_check extend extends extent extents external \ externally extract \ fact failed failed_login_attempts failgroup false fast fbtscan fic_civ \ fic_piv file filter final fine finish first first_rows flagger flashback \ float flob flush following for force force_xml_query_rewrite foreign \ freelist freelists freepools fresh from full function functions \ gather_plan_statistics gby_conc_rollup generated global global_name \ global_topic_enabled globally grant group group_by grouping groups guarantee \ guaranteed guard \ hash hash_aj hash_sj hashkeys having header heap hierarchy high hintset_begin \ hintset_end hour hwm_brokered \ id identified identifier identity idgenerators idle_time if ignore \ ignore_on_clause ignore_optim_embedded_hints ignore_where_clause immediate \ import in in_memory_metadata include_version including increment incremental \ index index_asc index_combine index_desc index_ffs index_filter index_join \ index_rows index_rrs index_scan index_skip_scan index_ss index_ss_asc \ index_ss_desc index_stats indexed indexes indextype indextypes indicator \ infinite informational initial initialized initially initrans inline inner \ insert instance instances instantiable instantly instead int integer integrity \ intermediate internal_convert internal_use interpreted intersect interval into \ invalidate is isolation isolation_level iterate iteration_number \ java job join \ keep kerberos key key_length keyfile keys keysize kill last lateral layer \ ldap_reg_sync_interval ldap_registration ldap_registration_enabled \ leading left length less level levels library like like2 like4 like_expand \ likec limit link list lob local local_indexes localtime localtimestamp \ location locator lock locked log logfile logging logical logical_reads_per_call \ logical_reads_per_session logoff logon long \ main manage managed management manual mapping master matched materialize \ materialized max maxarchlogs maxdatafiles maxextents maximize maxinstances \ maxlogfiles maxloghistory maxlogmembers maxsize maxtrans maxvalue measures \ member memory merge merge_aj merge_const_on merge_sj method migrate min \ minextents minimize minimum minus minute minvalue mirror mlslabel mode \ model model_dontverify_uniqueness model_min_analysis model_no_analysis \ model_pby model_push_ref modify monitoring month mount move movement multiset \ mv_merge \ name named nan national native natural nav nchar nchar_cs nclob needed nested \ nested_table_fast_insert nested_table_get_refs nested_table_id \ nested_table_set_refs nested_table_set_setid network never new next nl_aj nl_sj \ nls_calendar nls_characterset nls_comp nls_currency nls_date_format \ nls_date_language nls_iso_currency nls_lang nls_language nls_length_semantics \ nls_nchar_conv_excp nls_numeric_characters nls_sort nls_special_chars \ nls_territory no no_access no_basetable_multimv_rewrite no_buffer \ no_cpu_costing no_expand no_expand_gset_to_union no_fact no_filtering \ no_index no_index_ffs no_index_ss no_merge no_model_push_ref no_monitoring \ no_multimv_rewrite no_order_rollups no_parallel no_parallel_index \ no_partial_commit no_prune_gsets no_push_pred no_push_subq no_qkn_buff \ no_query_transformation no_ref_cascade no_rewrite no_semijoin no_set_to_join \ no_star_transformation no_stats_gsets no_swap_join_inputs no_trigger \ no_unnest no_use_hash no_use_merge no_use_nl no_xml_query_rewrite noappend \ noarchivelog noaudit nocache nocompress nocpu_costing nocycle nodelay \ noforce noguarantee nologging nomapping nomaxvalue nominimize nominvalue \ nomonitoring none noorder nooverride noparallel noparallel_index norely \ norepair noresetlogs noreverse norewrite normal norowdependencies nosegment \ nosort nostrict noswitch not nothing novalidate nowait null nulls number \ numeric nvarchar2 \ object objno objno_reuse of off offline oid oidindex old on online only opaque \ opaque_transform opaque_xcanonical opcode open operator opt_estimate optimal \ optimizer_features_enable optimizer_goal option or or_expand ora_rowscn order \ ordered ordered_predicates organization out_of_line outer outline over overflow \ overflow_nomove overlaps own package packages parallel parallel_index parameters \ parent parity partially partition partition_hash partition_list partition_range \ partitions password password_grace_time password_life_time password_lock_time \ password_reuse_max password_reuse_time password_verify_function pctfree \ pctincrease pctthreshold pctused pctversion percent performance permanent \ pfile physical piv_gb piv_ssf plan plsql_code_type plsql_debug plsql_optimize_level \ plsql_warnings policy post_transaction power pq_distribute pq_map pq_nomap prebuilt \ preceding precision prepare present preserve primary prior private private_sga \ privilege privileges procedure profile program project protected protection \ public purge push_pred push_subq px_granule \ qb_name query query_block queue queue_curr queue_rowp quiesce quota \ random range rapidly raw rba read reads real rebalance rebuild records_per_block \ recover recoverable recovery recycle recyclebin reduced redundancy ref \ ref_cascade_cursor reference referenced references referencing refresh \ regexp_like register reject rekey relational rely remote_mapped rename repair \ replace required reset resetlogs resize resolve resolver resource \ restore_as_intervals restrict restrict_all_ref_cons restricted resumable \ resume retention return returning reuse reverse revoke rewrite rewrite_or_error \ right role roles rollback rollup row row_length rowdependencies rowid rownum \ rows rule rules \ sample save_as_intervals savepoint sb4 scale scale_rows scan scan_instances \ scheduler schema scn scn_ascending scope sd_all sd_inhibit sd_show second security \ seed seg_block seg_file segment select selectivity semijoin semijoin_driver \ sequence sequenced sequential serializable servererror session session_cached_cursors \ sessions_per_user sessiontimezone sessiontzname set set_to_join sets settings severe \ share shared shared_pool shrink shutdown siblings sid simple single singletask size \ skip skip_ext_optimizer skip_unq_unusable_idx skip_unusable_indexes smallfile \ smallint snapshot some sort source space specification spfile split spreadsheet \ sql sql_trace sqlldr standby star star_transformation start startup statement_id \ static statistics stop storage store streams strict strip structure submultiset \ subpartition subpartition_rel subpartitions substitutable successful summary \ supplemental suspend swap_join_inputs switch switchover synonym sys_dl_cursor \ sys_fbt_insdel sys_op_bitvec sys_op_cast sys_op_col_present sys_op_enforce_not_null$ \ sys_op_mine_value sys_op_noexpand sys_op_ntcimg$ sys_parallel_txn sys_rid_order \ sysaux sysdate sysdba sysoper system systimestamp \ table table_stats tables tablespace tablespace_no tabno tempfile template temporary \ test than the then thread through time time_zone timeout timestamp timezone_abbr \ timezone_hour timezone_minute timezone_region tiv_gb tiv_ssf to toplevel trace \ tracing tracking trailing transaction transitional treat trigger triggers true \ truncate trusted tuning tx type types tz_offset \ ub2 uba uid unarchived unbound unbounded under undo undrop uniform union unique \ unlimited unlock unnest unpacked unprotected unquiesce unrecoverable until \ unusable unused upd_indexes upd_joinindex updatable update updated upgrade upsert \ urowid usage use use_anti use_concat use_hash use_merge use_nl use_nl_with_index \ use_private_outlines use_semi use_stored_outlines use_ttt_for_gsets use_weak_name_resl \ user user_defined user_recyclebin using \ validate validation value values varchar varchar2 varray varying vector_read \ vector_read_trace version versions view \ wait wellformed when whenever where whitespace with within without work write \ x_dyn_prune xid xmlattributes xmlcolattval xmlelement xmlforest xmlparse xmlschema \ xmltype \ year \ zone # Keywords for SQL*Plus keywordclass.sqlplus=\ acc~ept a~ppend archive log attribute \ bre~ak bti~tle \ c~hange cl~ear col~umn comp~ute conn~ect copy \ def~ine del desc~ribe disc~onnect \ e~dit exec~ute exit \ get \ help ho~st \ i~nput \ l~ist \ passw~ord pau~se pri~nt pro~mpt \ quit \ recover rem~ark repf~ooter reph~eader r~un \ sav~e set sho~w shutdown spo~ol sta~rt startup store \ timi~ng tti~tle \ undef~ine \ var~iable \ whenever oserror whenever sqlerror \ _connect_identifier _date _editor _o_release _o_version _privilege _sqlplus_release _user \ abort ali~as all allow app~end appi~nfo array~size as auto~commit automatic autop~rint autorecovery autot~race avg \ backup begin binary_double binary_float blo~ckterminator body bold bre~aks bti~tle buff~er byte \ c~enter cancel ce~nter change char class cle~ar clob cmds~ep col col~umns colsep com~patibility commit \ comp~utes con~cat consistent continue controlfile copyc~ommit copytypecheck corruption cou~nt cre~ate \ database datafile date def~ault default delay depth describe dimension disconnect downgrade dup~licates \ ea~ch echo editf~ile emb~edded end entmap entry err~ors esc~ape exit exp~lain expire \ failure feed~back file finish flagger flu~sh fold_a~fter fold_b~efore for~mat force from full function \ hea~ding head heads~ep hide html \ immediate indent instance intermed~iate inv~isible \ java jus~tify \ l~eft lab~el last le~ft like lin~esize linenum lis~t list lno lo~wer lobof~fset local logfile logsource long longc~hunksize \ managed mark~up max~imum min~imum mix~ed mount \ native nchar nclob new_v~alue newl~ine newp~age next no nodelay nodup~licates nol~ist none noparallel \ nopr~ompt nopri~nt normal notimeout nowait nul~l null num~ber num~width numf~ormat nvarchar2 \ of off old_v~alue on only open \ package page pages~ize parallel parameters pau~se pfile pno pre~format pri~nt procedure \ quiet \ r~ight read recover recsep recsepchar recyc~lebin refcursor rel~ease rep~lace repf~ooter reph~eader \ report restrict rollback row \ s~kip scr~een sequence serverout~put session sga shift~inout show show~mode size ski~p spoo~l sql \ sqlbl~anklines sqlc~ase sqlco~ntinue sqlcode sqln~umber sqlp~rompt sqlpluscompat~ibility sqlpre~fix \ sqlt~erminator standby start stat~istics std stop success suf~fix sum switchover sysdba sysoper \ tab table tablespace term~out test thread through ti~me time timeout timi~ng to trace~only transactional \ trigger trim~out trims~pool tru~ncated tti~tle type \ und~erline until up~per upgrade user using \ v7 v8 var~iance varchar2 ver~ify view vis~ible \ wait warning with wor~d_wrapped wr~apped wra~p wra~pped write # Keywords for plsql keywordclass.plsql=\ all alter and any array as asc at authid avg begin between \ binary_integer \ body boolean bulk by char char_base check close cluster collect \ comment commit compress connect constant create current currval \ cursor date day declare decimal default delete desc distinct \ do drop else elsif end exception exclusive execute exists exit \ extends false fetch float for forall from function goto group \ having heap hour if immediate in index indicator insert integer \ interface intersect interval into is isolation java level like \ limited lock long loop max min minus minute mlslabel mod mode \ month natural naturaln new nextval nocopy not nowait null number \ number_base ocirowid of on opaque open operator option or order \ organization others out package partition pctfree pls_integer \ positive positiven pragma prior private procedure public raise \ range raw real record ref release return reverse rollback row \ rowid rownum rowtype savepoint second select separate set share \ smallint space sql sqlcode sqlerrm start stddev subtype successful \ sum synonym sysdate table then time timestamp to trigger true \ type uid union unique update use user validate values varchar \ varchar2 variance view when whenever where while with work write \ year zone # Keywords for database objects keywordclass.db_objects=\ # Keywords for PlDoc comments keywordclass.pldoc=\ param author since return see deprecated todo # User keywords 1 # Keywords for Standard packages keywordclass.user1=\ dbms_application_info.read_client_info \ dbms_application_info.read_module \ dbms_application_info.set_action \ dbms_application_info.set_client_info \ dbms_application_info.set_module \ dbms_application_info.set_session_longops \ dbms_job.background_process dbms_job.broken dbms_job.change \ dbms_job.instance dbms_job.interval dbms_job.is_jobq \ dbms_job.isubmit dbms_job.next_date dbms_job.remove \ dbms_job.run dbms_job.submit dbms_job.user_export dbms_job.what \ dbms_lob.append dbms_lob.close dbms_lob.compare \ dbms_lob.converttoblob dbms_lob.converttoclob dbms_lob.copy \ dbms_lob.createtemporary dbms_lob.erase dbms_lob.fileclose \ dbms_lob.filecloseall dbms_lob.fileexists dbms_lob.filegetname \ dbms_lob.fileisopen dbms_lob.fileopen dbms_lob.freetemporary \ dbms_lob.get_storage_limit dbms_lob.getchunksize dbms_lob.getlength \ dbms_lob.instr dbms_lob.isopen dbms_lob.istemporary \ dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile \ dbms_lob.loadfromfile dbms_lob.open dbms_lob.read dbms_lob.substr \ dbms_lob.trim dbms_lob.write dbms_lob.writeappend \ dbms_output.disable dbms_output.enable dbms_output.get_line \ dbms_output.get_lines dbms_output.new_line dbms_output.put \ dbms_output.put_line \ dbms_pipe.create_pipe dbms_pipe.next_item_type dbms_pipe.pack_message \ dbms_pipe.pack_message_raw dbms_pipe.pack_message_rowid \ dbms_pipe.purge dbms_pipe.receive_message dbms_pipe.remove_pipe \ dbms_pipe.reset_buffer dbms_pipe.send_message \ dbms_pipe.unique_session_name dbms_pipe.unpack_message \ dbms_pipe.unpack_message_raw dbms_pipe.unpack_message_rowid \ dbms_random.initialize dbms_random.normal dbms_random.random \ dbms_random.seed dbms_random.string dbms_random.terminate \ dbms_random.value \ dbms_session.clear_all_context dbms_session.clear_context \ dbms_session.clear_identifier dbms_session.close_database_link \ dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory dbms_session.is_role_enabled \ dbms_session.is_session_alive dbms_session.list_context \ dbms_session.modify_package_state dbms_session.reset_package \ dbms_session.set_close_cached_open_cursors dbms_session.set_context \ dbms_session.set_identifier dbms_session.set_nls \ dbms_session.set_role dbms_session.set_sql_trace \ dbms_session.switch_current_consumer_group \ dbms_session.unique_session_id \ dbms_sql.bind_array dbms_sql.bind_variable dbms_sql.bind_variable_char \ dbms_sql.bind_variable_raw dbms_sql.bind_variable_rowid \ dbms_sql.close_cursor dbms_sql.column_value dbms_sql.column_value_char \ dbms_sql.column_value_long dbms_sql.column_value_raw \ dbms_sql.column_value_rowid dbms_sql.define_array \ dbms_sql.define_column dbms_sql.define_column_char \ dbms_sql.define_column_long dbms_sql.define_column_raw \ dbms_sql.define_column_rowid dbms_sql.describe_columns \ dbms_sql.describe_columns2 dbms_sql.execute \ dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch dbms_sql.fetch_rows dbms_sql.is_open \ dbms_sql.last_error_position dbms_sql.last_row_count \ dbms_sql.last_row_id dbms_sql.last_sql_function_code dbms_sql.native \ dbms_sql.open_cursor dbms_sql.parse dbms_sql.variable_value \ dbms_sql.variable_value_char dbms_sql.variable_value_raw \ dbms_sql.variable_value_rowid dbms_sql.v7 dbms_sql.v8 \ dbms_transaction.advise_commit dbms_transaction.advise_nothing \ dbms_transaction.advise_rollback \ dbms_transaction.begin_discrete_transaction \ dbms_transaction.commit dbms_transaction.commit_comment \ dbms_transaction.commit_force dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id \ dbms_transaction.purge_lost_db_entry dbms_transaction.purge_mixed \ dbms_transaction.read_only dbms_transaction.read_write \ dbms_transaction.rollback dbms_transaction.rollback_force \ dbms_transaction.rollback_savepoint dbms_transaction.savepoint \ dbms_transaction.step_id dbms_transaction.use_rollback_segment \ dbms_utility.active_instances dbms_utility.analyze_database \ dbms_utility.analyze_part_object dbms_utility.analyze_schema \ dbms_utility.canonicalize dbms_utility.comma_to_table \ dbms_utility.compile_schema \ dbms_utility.create_alter_type_error_table \ dbms_utility.current_instance \ dbms_utility.data_block_address_block \ dbms_utility.data_block_address_file dbms_utility.db_version \ dbms_utility.exec_ddl_statement dbms_utility.format_call_stack \ dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace dbms_utility.format_error_stack \ dbms_utility.get_cpu_time dbms_utility.get_dependency \ dbms_utility.get_endianness dbms_utility.get_hash_value \ dbms_utility.get_parameter_value dbms_utility.get_sql_hash \ dbms_utility.get_time dbms_utility.get_tz_transitions \ dbms_utility.is_bit_set dbms_utility.is_cluster_database \ dbms_utility.make_data_block_address dbms_utility.name_resolve \ dbms_utility.name_tokenize dbms_utility.old_current_schema \ dbms_utility.old_current_user dbms_utility.port_string \ dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash dbms_utility.table_to_comma \ dbms_utility.validate \ htf.address htf.anchor htf.anchor2 htf.appletopen htf.area \ htf.base htf.basefont htf.bgsound htf.big htf.blockquoteopen \ htf.bodyopen htf.bold htf.br htf.center htf.cite htf.code \ htf.comment htf.dfn htf.div htf.dlistdef htf.dlistopen \ htf.dlistterm htf.em htf.emphasis htf.escape_sc htf.escape_url \ htf.fontopen htf.format_cell htf.formcheckbox htf.formfile \ htf.formhidden htf.formimage htf.formopen htf.formpassword \ htf.formradio htf.formreset htf.formselectopen htf.formselectoption \ htf.formsubmit htf.formtext htf.formtextarea htf.formtextarea2 \ htf.formtextareaopen htf.formtextareaopen2 htf.frame \ htf.framesetopen htf.header htf.hr htf.htitle htf.img htf.img2 \ htf.isindex htf.italic htf.kbd htf.keyboard htf.line htf.linkrel \ htf.linkrev htf.listheader htf.listitem htf.mailto htf.mapopen \ htf.meta htf.nextid htf.nl htf.nobr htf.olistopen htf.paragraph \ htf.param htf.plaintext htf.preopen htf.s htf.sample htf.script \ htf.small htf.strike htf.strong htf.style htf.sub htf.sup \ htf.tablecaption htf.tabledata htf.tableheader htf.tableopen \ htf.tablerowopen htf.teletype htf.title htf.ulistopen \ htf.underline htf.variable \ htp.adddefaulthtmlhdr htp.address htp.anchor htp.anchor2 \ htp.appletclose htp.appletopen htp.area htp.base htp.basefont \ htp.bgsound htp.big htp.blockquoteclose htp.blockquoteopen \ htp.bodyclose htp.bodyopen htp.bold htp.br htp.center \ htp.centerclose htp.centeropen htp.cite htp.code htp.comment \ htp.dfn htp.dirlistclose htp.dirlistopen htp.div htp.dlistclose \ htp.dlistdef htp.dlistopen htp.dlistterm htp.download_file \ htp.em htp.emphasis htp.escape_sc htp.flush \ htp.flush_charset_convert htp.fontclose htp.fontopen \ htp.formcheckbox htp.formclose htp.formfile htp.formhidden \ htp.formimage htp.formopen htp.formpassword htp.formradio \ htp.formreset htp.formselectclose htp.formselectopen \ htp.formselectoption htp.formsubmit htp.formtext htp.formtextarea \ htp.formtextarea2 htp.formtextareaclose htp.formtextareaopen \ htp.formtextareaopen2 htp.frame htp.framesetclose htp.framesetopen \ htp.get_download_files_list htp.get_line htp.get_page \ htp.get_page_charset_convert htp.get_page_raw htp.headclose \ htp.header htp.headopen htp.hr htp.htitle htp.htmlclose htp.htmlopen \ htp.img htp.img2 htp.init htp.isindex htp.italic htp.kbd \ htp.keyboard htp.line htp.linkrel htp.linkrev htp.listheader \ htp.listingclose htp.listingopen htp.listitem htp.mailto \ htp.mapclose htp.mapopen htp.menulistclose htp.menulistopen \ htp.meta htp.nextid htp.nl htp.nobr htp.noframesclose \ htp.noframesopen htp.olistclose htp.olistopen htp.p htp.para \ htp.paragraph htp.param htp.plaintext htp.preclose htp.preopen \ htp.print htp.print_header htp.prints htp.prn htp.ps htp.putraw \ htp.s htp.sample htp.script htp.set_transfer_mode htp.sethttpcharset \ htp.showpage htp.small htp.strike htp.strong htp.style htp.sub \ htp.sup htp.tablecaption htp.tableclose htp.tabledata \ htp.tableheader htp.tableopen htp.tablerowclose htp.tablerowopen \ htp.teletype htp.title htp.ulistclose htp.ulistopen htp.underline \ htp.variable htp.wbr \ utl_encode.base64_decode utl_encode.base64_encode \ utl_encode.mimeheader_decode utl_encode.mimeheader_encode \ utl_encode.quoted_printable_decode utl_encode.quoted_printable_encode \ utl_encode.text_decode utl_encode.text_encode utl_encode.uudecode \ utl_encode.uuencode \ utl_file.fclose utl_file.fclose_all utl_file.fcopy utl_file.fflush \ utl_file.fgetattr utl_file.fgetpos utl_file.fopen \ utl_file.fopen_nchar utl_file.fremove utl_file.frename \ utl_file.fseek utl_file.get_line utl_file.get_line_nchar \ utl_file.get_raw utl_file.is_open utl_file.new_line utl_file.put \ utl_file.put_line utl_file.put_line_nchar utl_file.put_nchar \ utl_file.put_raw utl_file.putf utl_file.putf_nchar \ utl_http.add_cookies utl_http.begin_request utl_http.clear_cookies \ utl_http.close_persistent_conn utl_http.close_persistent_conns \ utl_http.end_request utl_http.end_response \ utl_http.get_authentication utl_http.get_body_charset \ utl_http.get_cookie_count utl_http.get_cookie_support \ utl_http.get_cookies utl_http.get_detailed_excp_support \ utl_http.get_detailed_sqlcode utl_http.get_detailed_sqlerrm \ utl_http.get_follow_redirect utl_http.get_header \ utl_http.get_header_by_name utl_http.get_header_count \ utl_http.get_persistent_conn_count \ utl_http.get_persistent_conn_support utl_http.get_persistent_conns \ utl_http.get_proxy utl_http.get_response \ utl_http.get_response_error_check utl_http.get_transfer_timeout \ utl_http.read_line utl_http.read_raw utl_http.read_text \ utl_http.request utl_http.request_pieces utl_http.set_authentication \ utl_http.set_body_charset utl_http.set_cookie_support \ utl_http.set_detailed_excp_support utl_http.set_follow_redirect \ utl_http.set_header utl_http.set_persistent_conn_support \ utl_http.set_proxy utl_http.set_response_error_check \ utl_http.set_transfer_timeout utl_http.set_wallet utl_http.write_line \ utl_http.write_raw utl_http.write_text \ utl_i18n.encode_sql_xml utl_i18n.escape_reference \ utl_i18n.get_default_charset utl_i18n.map_charset \ utl_i18n.map_language_from_iso utl_i18n.map_locale_to_iso \ utl_i18n.map_territory_from_iso utl_i18n.raw_to_char \ utl_i18n.raw_to_nchar utl_i18n.string_to_raw \ utl_i18n.unescape_reference utl_i18n.validate_sqlname \ utl_raw.bit_and utl_raw.bit_complement utl_raw.bit_or \ utl_raw.bit_xor utl_raw.cast_from_binary_double \ utl_raw.cast_from_binary_float utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer \ utl_raw.cast_from_number utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double \ utl_raw.cast_to_binary_float utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer \ utl_raw.cast_to_number utl_raw.cast_to_nvarchar2 utl_raw.cast_to_raw \ utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 utl_raw.compare utl_raw.concat \ utl_raw.convert utl_raw.copies utl_raw.length utl_raw.overlay \ utl_raw.reverse utl_raw.substr utl_raw.translate utl_raw.transliterate \ utl_raw.xrange \ utl_smtp.close_data utl_smtp.command utl_smtp.command_replies \ utl_smtp.data utl_smtp.ehlo utl_smtp.helo utl_smtp.help \ utl_smtp.mail utl_smtp.noop utl_smtp.open_connection \ utl_smtp.open_data utl_smtp.quit utl_smtp.rcpt utl_smtp.rset \ utl_smtp.vrfy utl_smtp.write_data utl_smtp.write_raw_data # User keywords 2 keywordclass.user2=\ # User keywords 3 keywordclass.user3=\ # User keywords 4 keywordclass.user4=\ # SQL keywords.$(file.patterns.sql)=$(keywordclass.sql) keywords2.$(file.patterns.sql)=$(keywordclass.db_objects) #keywords3.$(file.patterns.sql)= keywords4.$(file.patterns.sql)=$(keywordclass.sqlplus) keywords5.$(file.patterns.sql)=$(keywordclass.user1) #keywords6.$(file.patterns.sql)=$(keywordclass.user2) #keywords7.$(file.patterns.sql)=$(keywordclass.user3) #keywords8.$(file.patterns.sql)=$(keywordclass.user4) #PL/SQL keywords.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(keywordclass.plsql) keywords2.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(keywordclass.db_objects) keywords3.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(keywordclass.pldoc) keywords4.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(keywordclass.sqlplus) keywords5.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(keywordclass.user1) #keywords6.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(keywordclass.user2) #keywords7.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(keywordclass.user3) #keywords8.$(file.patterns.plsql)=$(keywordclass.user4)