# locale.properties by Neil Hodgson neilh@scintilla.org # Placed in the public domain 2001 # locale.properties defines the localised text for the user interface # Some definitions are commented out because they duplicate another string # The format of each line is original=localised, such as File=&Fichier # Even though the original text may have ellipses "..." and access key # indicators "&" in the user interface, these do not appear in this file # for the original texts. Translated texts should have an access key indicator # if needed as the translated text may not include the original access key. # Ellipses are automatically added when needed. # The "/" character should not be used in menu entries as on GTK+ the "/" is # used to specifiy the menu hierarchy and so will produce extra menu items. # Each original text may have only one translation, even if it appears in # different parts of the user interface. # Please state any further license conditions and copyright notices you desire. # If there are no further notices then contributed translations will be assumed # to be made freely available under the same conditions as SciTE. # Email addresses included in this file may attract spam if the file is published. # Define the encoding of this file so that on GTK+ 2, the file can be # reencoded as UTF-8 as that is the GTK+ 2 user interface encoding. # A common choice for European users is LATIN1. For other locales look at # the set of encodings supported by iconv. # 2002/02/03 before 1.43 Translated by Chii Liao 廖啟邑 # 2003/11/07 1.44-1.56 Translated by Daniel Lin 林原志 daniel@twpda.com # 2005/03/12 1.57-1.62 Translated by Edward Hsieh(edwardsayer at pchome dot com dot tw) # 2005/09/03 1.63-1.66 Translated and corrected by 龔維正 in Taipei County, Taiwan. # 2006/06/21 1.67-1.70 updated and refined by 龔維正 #2007/05/04 1.73 updated by 龔維正 translation.encoding=Big5 # Menus # File menu File=檔案(&F) New=新增(&N) Open=開啟(&O) Open Selected Filename=開啟所選徑名(&F) Revert=回復到剛儲存後(&R) Close=關閉(&C) Save=儲存(&S) Save As=另存新檔(&A) Export=匯出(&E) As HTML=成 HTML 檔(&H) As RTF=成 RTF 檔(&R) Page Setup=頁面設定(&U) Print=列印(&P) Load Session=載入某次編輯窗面(&L) Save Session=儲存本次編輯窗面(&V) Exit=結束(&X) # Edit menu Edit=編輯(&E) Undo=取消上次動作(&U) Redo=重複上次動作(&R) Cut=剪下(&T) Copy=複製(&C) Paste=貼上(&P) Delete=刪除(&D) Select All=全選(&A) Copy as RTF=複製為RTF(&F) Match Brace=跳至對應的括號位置(&B) Select to Brace=選取對應的所括內容(&O) Show Calltip=顯示函數提示(&H) Complete Symbol=補齊符號(&Y) Complete Word=補齊文字(&W) Expand Abbreviation=縮寫展開(&E) Block Comment or Uncomment=加註解號(區塊中各行首)或取消之(&M) Box Comment=加註解號(區塊首尾及其中各行首)(&X) Stream Comment=加註解號(區塊首尾)(&N) Make Selection Uppercase=所選文字轉大寫(&S) Make Selection Lowercase=所選文字轉小寫(&L) # Search menu Search=尋找(&S) Find=搜尋(&F) Find Next=找下一個(&N) Find Previous=找上一個(&S) Find in Files=在目錄中找(&I) Replace=取代(&E) Next Bookmark=下一書籤(&M) Previous Bookmark=上一書籤(&V) Toggle Bookmark=設置/清除書籤(&K) Clear All Bookmarks=清除所有書籤(&C) # View menu View=檢視(&V) Toggle current fold=開/合此層段(&C) Toggle all folds=開/合所有層段(&A) Full Screen=全螢幕(&N) Tool Bar=工具列(&T) Tab Bar=頁籤列(&B) Status Bar=狀態列(&S) Whitespace=空白號(&W) End of Line=換行號(&E) Indentation Guides=縮排態(&I) Line Numbers=行號邊(&L) Margin=書籤邊(&M) Fold Margin=層段邊(&F) Output=輸出窗(&O) Parameters=參數(&P) # Tools menu Tools=工具(&T) Compile=編譯(&C) Build=建立(&B) Go=執行(&G) Stop Executing=停止執行(&S) Next Message=下一訊息(&N) Previous Message=上一訊息(&P) Clear Output=清除輸出(&O) Switch Pane=切換視窗(&S) # Options menu Options=選項(&O) Always On Top=SciTE顯示在上層(&A) Vertical Split=編輯窗輸出窗直排(&S) Line End Characters=設定換行號(&L) CR + LF=CR + LF(&+) CR=CR(&C) LF=LF(&L) Convert Line End Characters=依設定轉換現有換行號(&C) Change Indentation Settings=調整縮排設定(&T) Use Monospaced Font=使用等寬字型(&M) Open Local Options File=開啟 Local Options 檔(&O) Open User Options File=開啟 User Options 檔(&U) Open Global Options File=開啟 Global Options 檔(&G) Open Abbreviations File=開啟 Abbreviations 檔(&B) # Language menu Language=語言(&L) # Buffers menu Buffers=緩衝體(&B) Previous=上一檔(&P) Next=下一檔(&N) Close all=關閉全部檔案(&C) # Help menu Help=說明(&H) About Sc1=關於 Sc1(&S) About SciTE=關於 SciTE(&A) # Dialogs # Generic dialog OK=確定 Cancel=取消 Yes=是 No=否 # About dialog #About SciTE= # This is to add something like: Swahili translation 1.41.1 by Neil Hodgson TranslationCredit=中譯:廖啟邑、林原志、Edward Hsieh、龔維正\n v1.43 by Chii Liao 廖啟邑 2002/02/03\n v1.44-1.56 by Daniel Lin 林原志 daniel@twpda.com 2003/11/07\n v1.57-1.62 by Edward Hsieh(edwardsayer at pchome dot com dot tw) 2005/03/12\n v1.63-1.66 by 龔維正 in Taipei County, Taiwan. 2005/09/03\n v1.67-1.73 by 龔維正 2006/06/21, 2007/05/04 Contributors:=貢獻者: # Open, Save dialogs Open File=開啟檔案 Save File=儲存檔案 Save File As=另存新檔 Export File As HTML=匯出成 HTML 檔 Export File As RTF=匯出成 RTF 檔 Save Current Session=儲存目前所開檔之檔名列表 Custom Filter=自訂檔案型別 # Find in Files dialog #Find in Files=在多檔中尋找 Find what:=待搜字(&N) Files:=檔案(&I) #Find= # Go To dialog Go To=跳至(&G) Destination Line Number:=目標行號(&D) Current line:=目前 行號 Last line:=上次 行號 # Indentation Settings dialog Indentation Settings=縮排設定 Tab Size:=Tab 的寬度(&T) Indent Size:=縮排寬度(&I) Use tabs:=使用 Tab(&U) # Replace and Find dialogs #Replace=取代(&R) #Find= #Find what:=待搜字(&N) Replace with:=取代為(&P) Match whole word only=獨立完整字(&W) Match case=區分大小寫(&C) Regular expression=用類型表式(&E) Wrap around=循環找一遍(&O) Transform backslash expressions=使用反斜線(&B) #Find Next=找下一個(&F) Replace All=全部取代(&A) Replace in Selection=在選取文字中取代(&S) #Close= Direction=尋找方向 Reverse direction=反向尋找 Up=往上 Down=往下 # Parameters dialog Execute=執行 Set=設定(&S) # Other UI strings Untitled=未命名 # Properties used in global options Text=純文字 All Source=源碼檔 All Files (*.*)=所有檔案 (*.*) # Messages # Messages may contain variables such as file names or search strings indicated # by ^0 which are replaced by values before display. ^1, ^2, ... may be used in the future. Can not find the string '^0'.=找不到 '^0'。 Find string must not be empty for 'Replace All' command.='全部取代'時尋找內容不能空白。 Selection must not be empty for 'Replace in Selection' command.='在選取文字中取代'時一定要先選取文字。 No replacements because string '^0' was not present.=沒有找到 '^0',就都沒取代。 Could not open file '^0'.=無法開啟 '^0'。 Could not save file '^0'.=無法儲存 '^0'。 Save changes to '^0'?=已變更,檔案儲存為 '^0'? Save changes to (Untitled)?=已變更,檔案儲存為 '未命名'? The file '^0' has been modified. Should it be reloaded?=檔案 '^0'已修改過,是否重新載入? Bad file.=壞檔。 Failed to create dialog box: ^0.=無法開啟 ^0 對話方塊。 Can not start printer document.=無法列印。 URI '^0' not understood.=不能解析 '^0' URI。 Invalid directory '^0'.=無效的目錄/資料夾 '^0'。 # 1.42 Directory:=目錄(&D) Wrap=自動換行(&W) Hide=隱藏(&H) Check if already open=檢查檔案是否已開啟(&H) # 1.43 Find string must not be empty for 'Replace in Selection' command.='在選取文字中取代'時尋找內容不能空白。 List Macros=列出眾巨集 Run Current Macro=執行目前的巨集 Record Macro=開始錄製 Stop Recording Macro=停止錄製 SciTE Help=SciTE 說明(&S) Sc1 Help=Sc1 說明 Edit Properties=編輯自訂項 Wrap Output=輸出時自動換行(&P) # 1.44 Read-Only=唯讀(&R) READ=讀入 # 1.46 As TeX=成 TeX 檔 Export File As TeX=匯出成 Tex 檔 Save a Copy=儲存備份(&P) # 1.47 As LaTeX=成 LaTeX 檔(&L) Export File As LaTeX=匯出成 TeX 檔 Encoding=編碼 8 Bit=8位元 UCS-2 Big Endian= UCS-2 Little Endian= UTF-8= # 1.49 Save All=全部存檔(&S) Browse=瀏覽(&B) Select a folder to search from=選擇要搜尋的目錄/資料夾 UTF-8 Cookie= # 1.50 Insert Abbreviation=縮寫插入(&I) Abbreviation:=縮寫: Insert=插入 Mark All=找齊後皆選(&M) # 1.51 In Selection=在選取區域 Paragraph=段落(&G) Join=合併(&J) Split=分割(&S) # 1.52 Block comment variable '^0' is not defined in SciTE *.properties!=於區塊中各行首之註解號 '^0' 並未在 SciTE *.properties 定義! Box comment variables '^0', '^1' and '^2' are not defined in SciTE *.properties!=於區塊首尾且其中各行首之註解號 '^0' 、 '^1' 、 '^2' 並未在 SciTE *.properties 定義! Stream comment variables '^0' and '^1' are not defined in SciTE *.properties!=於區塊首尾之註解號 '^0' 及 '^1' 並未在 SciTE *.properties 定義! The file '^0' has been modified outside SciTE. Should it be reloaded?=檔案 '^0' 已經在 SciTE 之外修改過,是否要重新載入? As PDF=成 PDF 檔(&P) Export File As PDF=匯出成 PDF 檔 # 1.53 Version=版本 by=由 #1.54 Incremental Search=隨打即找(&L) Search for:=隨打即找 #1.55 Could not save file '^0'. Save under a different name?=無法存 '^0' 檔案,是否更名再存? #1.56 As XML=成 XML 檔(&X) Export File As XML=匯出成 XML 檔 #1.57 Destination Line:=目標 行號(&D) Column:=欄號(&C) #1.58 Replacements:=置換: Open Files Here=在此開啟檔案(&H) #1.59 #1.60 #1.61 File '^0' is ^1 bytes long,\nlarger than the ^2 bytes limit set in the properties.\nDo you still want to open it?=檔案 '^0' 的長度為 ^1 bytes,\n比設定在 properties 檔中的\n ^2 bytes 還長,你仍然要開啟\n它嗎? Open Lua Startup Script=開啟 Lua Startup Script All Files (*)=所有檔案(*) Hidden Files (.*)=隱藏檔(.*) #1.62 Show hidden files=顯示隱藏檔 #1.63 Replace in Buffers=在緩衝記憶體中取代(&U) Find string must not be empty for 'Replace in Buffers' command.='在緩衝記憶體中取代'時尋找內容不能空白。 Search only in this style:=僅以此樣式尋找: #1.67 Duplicate=複貼此行 #1.72 Convert=轉換 #1.73 Code Page Property=系統預設編碼 UTF-8 with BOM=UTF-8 (含檔首 BOM) Open Directory Options File=開啟目錄選項檔